Nakshatra Kundali Career Consultation

–  Birth  Chart  (d1),  Dashamsha  Chart  (d10)  &  Dwadasamsa  Chart  (d12)  Analysis  Plus  Dashas.

-  Which  career  will  suit  you  the  best,  from  what  type  of  work  you  will  be  able  to  achieve  Wealth,  Fame  and  Status  this  information  will  also  be  provided  to  you.

-  Astrological  house  activation  techniques,  nakshatra  remedies  and  vastu  remedies  Included.

-  Audio  Recorded  Reading  (no  time  limit)

–  Delivered  via  email  within  14-15  working  days.

-  After  the  reading  is  delivered  to  you  via  email,  if  you  still  have  questions  or  doubts  you  can  write  them  in  the  next  email  and  again  an  audio  message  will  be  sent  to  you  by  Akshita  within  3  working  days.

INR 3650



The Nakshatra Reading is Just not about solving issues of your concerned areas of life but what type of a person you are, Mentality, How as an individual you are gonna behave in different situations of life.
The Readings are given in Audio form via email only, (D1 main birth chart and other divisional charts like D9, D10 and D12 charts will be included)
Aspects of your Life means Education, Career, Marriage, Promotion, foreign settlement, children, spiritual progress.


Tarot Card Reading is done when you are confused about something or want to know whats going on with someone or some situation on a psychological level, It represents your energy and represents the energies of other people who are connected to you. Astrotarot is a combination of Tarot and Birth Chart Nakshatras.


Nakshatra reading is like Kundali reading but reading it with magnifying glass!
We just dont see the sign where the planet is placed but we also see in which Nakshatra it is placed. It gives more accurate readings.
Nakshatra reading is done when things are not working for you. Through house activation technique we activate that part of your life where you feel it’s not working for you, Mostly these reading are done for ( 7th house) marriage related concern, (10th house) any job related concern.
Whereas Tarot represents your energy, everyone knows whats right and wrong for them but get distracted because of distraction of the world. If you are confused about something then go for Tarot reading.